Source File in JAVA

 Java Source File

Finally, a Java source file consists of:

1) a single package instruction (optional)

2) several import statements (optional)

3) a single public class declaration (required)

4) several classes private to the package (optional)

At the minimum, a file contains a single public class declaration.

Differences between classes and interfaces

• Interfaces are syntactically similar to classes, but they lack instance variables, and their methods are declared without any body.

• One class can implement any number of interfaces.

• Interfaces are designed to support dynamic method resolution at run time.

• Interface is little bit like a class... but interface is lack in instance variables....that's u can't create object for it.....

• Interfaces are developed to support multiple inheritance...

• The methods present in interfaces r pure abstract..

• The access specifiers public,private,protected are possible with classes, but the interface uses only one spcifier public.....

• interfaces contains only the method declarations.... no definitions.......

• A interface defines, which method a class has to implement. This is way - if you want to call a method defined by an interface - you don't need to know the exact class type of an object, you only need to know that it
implements a specific interface.

• Another important point about interfaces is that a class can implement multiple interfaces.
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