Variables in JAVA

 Variables in JAVA

• declaration – how to assign a type to a variable

• initialization – how to give an initial value to a variable

• scope – how the variable is visible to other parts of the


• lifetime – how the variable is created, used and


• type conversion – how Java handles automatic type


• type casting – how the type of a variable can be

narrowed down

Basic Variable Declaration:

• datatype identifier [=value];

• datatype must be

                          – A simple datatype

                          – User defined datatype (class type)

• Identifier is a recognizable name confirm to

identifier rules

• Value is an optional initial value.

We can declare several variables at the same time:

type identifier [=value][, identifier [=value] ...];


int a, b, c;

int d = 3, e, f = 5;

byte g = 22;

double pi = 3.14159;

char ch = 'x';

Variable Scope

• Scope determines the visibility of program elements with respect to other program elements.

• In Java, scope is defined separately for classes and methods:

1) variables defined by a class have a global scope

2) variables defined by a method have a local scope

A scope is defined by a block:




A variable declared inside the scope is not visible outside:


int n;


n = 1;// this is illegal

Variable Lifetime

• Variables are created when their scope is entered by

control flow and destroyed when their scope is left:

• A variable declared in a method will not hold its

value between different invocations of this method.

• A variable declared in a block looses its value when

the block is left.

• Initialized in a block, a variable will be re-initialized

with every re-entry. Variables lifetime is confined to

its scope!

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